2% The Two Percent Company
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| Our Stores
We have scads of merchandise available in our online stores, courtesy of the wonderful folks over at Cafepress. If you find yourself nodding a lot while reading our stuff, you can support our brand of reason by purchasing some items from us. If you like an image or slogan, but don't see it on the product you want it on, please let us know and we'll be happy to accomodate you.

All proceeds from the sale of our merchandise go towards Two Percent Company operational expenses, including (but not limited to) web hosting, research-related fees, and alcoholic beverages.

We currently have five shops opened:
  • The Political Confusion III Store
    The reign of Bush is ended, but in the words of Mark Hamill (shortly after the end of Star Wars and before the beginning of that cool 80s behind-the-scenes documentary): "It's not over." Bush has left behind him a legacy of shit for President Obama to clean up. Let's see how he handles this monumental task.
  • See Obama Sweep Up Bush's Mess!

  • The Political Confusion II Store
    Political confusion is so rampant, we opened another Political Confusion store! Dedicated to the silliness and inefficiency of government foibles, this store currently features items demonstrating the absurdity of the endless vicious cycle that is America's two-party system.
  • See our opinion of the political process!

  • The Political Confusion Store
    We live in confusing times, but we can be sure of at least one thing — politicians suck. This store is dedicated to the Bush administration's attack on civil liberties.
  • See Bush's opinion of the Constitution!

  • The Irreligion Store
    Sick of all those "God Loves Me" bumper stickers? Tired of bible-toting morons ringing your bell on Saturday mornings? Give 'em a dose of reality and let 'em know what you think of their lunacy with our Irreligion products.
  • Tell those Jesus Fishers to shove off!

  • The Two Percent Company Store
    On the off chance that you like our site enough to display our logo on your fridge, your car, or your person, this is the shop for you! You know the Score, now own the swag.
  • Let everyone know that you know the Score!

As inspiration strikes, and time allows, we may open more shops, so check in every so often for updates. Thanks for supporting the Two Percent Company.
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| Protecting our Civil Liberties
EFF: Support Bloggers' Rights!

Bullshit Busters
JREFSkeptic's Dictionary

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